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Vimprodaco - Vienna improvisations dance company (a place to learn - a place to grow
- a place to express - a place for a great show) is a free open performance-group founded 2001 by Walter Karl Eggerth. We realised various no-budget and low-budget projects in theater-space, public space, private space, galeries, churches etc. far more than 100 people have allready performed with Vimprodaco. Usually a new performance is created for a new space and occasion. The group members have different acces to performance, dance, sounding and body conciousness. "Vienna improv dance" is ensemble movement (and sound) improvisation based on created attention, sensed nonintentional movement and contact improvisation. All movement cultures and musics can be involved. A loving free use of traditions is significant - and building a unity as a group and be present at the same time in the individual personal singularity - attentive unconcerned. This dance-form is useful for wellness and
personal-resource-growth of individuals and groups
as well as it is for
performance purpouse. deutsche version dieser kurzvorstellung in der textbox |
book festveranstaltungen, events, eröffnungen, hochzeiten, balleinlagen, produktpräsentationen, modeschauen, ... feasts, events,
openings, weddings, .... we create for
you a
unique event
intuition&rekreation, pers�nliches wachstum, ... workshops,
dance-trainings, intuition&recreation, personal
source growing
processes, ...
festivals, workshops,
cooperations, charity, ...
WORKSHOPS 10std--hours
book visit invite |
Dezember 2005 im__flieger, wuk/ silence is a landscape einst�ndige performance und ein 3-min�tiger
flash im wuk-hof 12/2005 ein-nach-klang vimprodaco tanzt mozart hinterher tanzquartier halle G im rahnmen von referat mozart2056 aus dem dunkel der zeit kommen kl�nge eines feelings, wie leben sein kann - unsere k�rper tasten den verklungenen kl�ngen hinterher .... was wird geschehen, wenn wir sie wiederfinden? idee, konzept: walter karl eggerth; tanz: barbara mezgolits, claudia schmidt, elisabeth magdlener, fanni futterknecht, fitsche, franz sramek, laura mello, renate ryba, roberto kragolnik, walter karl eggerth; herzlichen dank an beatrix darmst�dter und martin kneringer f�r die unterst�tzung bei der musikauswahl 30. September 2006 mozart and the sound of work im Rahmen von "Mozart in Arbeit" Theater Akzent www.akzent.at 28. October 2006 athens peace and friendship stadium, faliro sofa away from me (5T) 2. Novembre 2006 rome scuola popolare di musica di testaccio wasserschein - bagliori acquatici (5T/7M) |
einige somePERFORMANCES(xT: anzahl tanzende, xM: anzahl lifemusizierende, xKA: anzahl kameraauge-schauende)(xT: number of persons dancing, xM: number of musicians, xKA: number of persons looking with video-eye) Since 2001 the Vienna improvisations dance company has performed a huge number of different kinds of performances with a team that included long time and short time involved professional, amateur and beginning dancers and musicians. Till 2008 you can see a kind of performance diary. From 2009 till today the focus goes more and more to connect life, training and performing in a unity of a self-evident presence. ...the group also focused
more on
various instant
actions (passions) and more or less subtlil hidden
unexpected additional or
small interventions facing a space at a time and conecting
with the breath of it softly and strongly.
... as for instance instant in long night of the churches, b-day party mödling, vienna / stone dance / summer fiesta perchtoldsdorf / table dance in "werkzeug H" / dance to musicians in the "clash" / after show dance in neubau / theater der verhinderung intervention / fiesta brigittenau and many other moments where you sometimes cannot say is it a performance or just life that happens in a full version. 2008
11/2008 kirche st. josef zu margareten / zum 180. todestag franz schubert -- on the 180th anniversary of the death of franz schubert gabenbereitung -- offertory (4T - 2M) 09/2008 pic nic & arts - international festival of arts and cooking artena (roma) italy affinities of a weak together with participants of a workshop and with roberto kenofsky (music direction) and the pop band "strani mondi" 03/2008 prague international jam (4P) instant@prague jam 03/2008 ötk kletterhalle -- climbing hall vertikal 3 / schimmernde berge -- vertical 3 / glimmering mountains ![]() r.mierzwa, w.k.eggerth ![]() 01/2008 viennese soulfood jam (3T) instant@soulfoodjam 1 instant@soulfoodjam 2 2007
12/2007 ötk kletterhalle -- climbing hall vertikal 2 11/2007 di stefano bar - sf. gheorge
(ro) sf.
gheorge instant 11/2007
ötk kletterhalle -- climbing hall instant 1 (4T)
10/2007 urania wien now is
the time (6T/1M) 09/2007
cenario wien 1 mondial 1 (2T) mondial 2 (4T)
ariadne 2006
09/2006 odeon
referat mozart 2056 (deutschbauer/spring)
margareten 7-brunnenplatz 07/2004
WUK 06/2004
montmartre open air festival
04/2004 mödling:
raum Q[ku:] 03/2004
ehemalige galerie christa fuchs -- former art galery
christa fuchs
2003 12/2003 galerie ariadne 11/2003 mödling:
galerie sala terrena -- art galery sala terrena 06/2003
museumsquartier 06/2003 galerie ariadne 05/2003
st.josef/margareten 05/2003 margareten -
7-brunnenplatz 04/2003
mödling: raum Q[ku:] 04/2003
rathausbühne -- cityhall
stage 2002 12/2002
bellaria 10/2002 wr. neustadt:
gewerkschaftsheim -- employers 09/2002 burg
wildegg: -- castle of wildegg: 07/2002
secession 04/2002 mödling:
raum Q[ku:] 02/2002
katholische hochschulgemeinde - catholic univerity
2001 11/2001
akademisches gymnasium festsaal